Thursday, March 31, 2016

Profitable business 2016


            Bos was the first / top of the ranks of subordinate employees in a business, entrepreneurs, and other private sector jobs. But to know this is an appellation Bos porang containing the same metaphorical meaning in the field porang but different positions.

'' The boss man we mean here is that we employ plants / herbs porang to reach a production target of tubuhan these (tubers, cobs frogs, and cob interest) within which we interpret. ''

            So not only bosses in a large company (other services) alone have a category for a so called Boss, we too are also capable. They are looking good, we too will be worth it to him or her. everything to achieve what we want to achieve the necessary processes and utmost diligence. In the field of business, operations, and agriculture we too must have the initial capital to start a career .kategori higher we enter some investors to raise agricultural businesses as well as building a strong partnership in the market.

Plants / herbs porang have specific active time of life, different from the plant that is not air-tubers others.We can get input than the plant then we must use a rotating system strategy (stavet) .With put blocks (locations) specifically for each type (interest cob, cob pieces / bulb) to make it easier. one block (on site) our special content placement tubers ready for enlargement to be easy to harvest Not far to specifically block the seed nursery of flowers and cob cob buahpun also provided that in each season is ready in development.

 From the explanation above we can conclude to be a PORANG BOS (the boss of the plant porang) is not difficult. Even if we could apply to the number 10000 porang plant seeds, we say there also has 10,000 employees. From there in the period (current season) we can get the results they are doing in the form of fruits and tubers cobs ready to sell to us Monetize later.

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Harga bibit bulbil/katak porang @30rb.
Harga bibit umbi porang @12rb.
Harga glondong porang @2.500
Harga cheps porang @19rb.

*NB: harga di atas selalu ter Up-date.

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